Briefing Checklist For Your Business
The Questions You Need Answered. Free Briefing Checklist for Your Business and for Brexit.
The Questions You Need Answered. Free Briefing Checklist for Your Business and for Brexit.

The Labovitch Consultancy free briefing checklist provides a well thought through set of questions which you may need to pose for your business.

So far as I’m aware, its unique in providing all businesses and organisations a ‘review for change’, so adding value by helping you ready for the future.

Importantly, with Brexit imminently approaching, you can also prepare for its strategic and practical implications.

Areas covered in the checklist:

  • Business drivers for change – strategy, proposition marketplace + lots more
  • Operations – supply chain, process flow, manufacturing, outsourcing + lots more
  • Information systems and technology – enterprise architecture and systems, technologies, cloud, maintenance, outsourcing + lots more
  • Organisation – design, governance, competence, staff planning, upsizing, downsizing, competence + lots more
  • People – leadership, motivation, learning, identity and cohesion, communications + lots more.

The Briefing Checklist is available as a PDF and / or may be completed electronically, saved and shared with your Executive.

We hope you enjoy completing the Briefing Checklist to help you ready for the future.

The Labovitch Consultancy

Strength for Change, Success for Transformation.

At The Labovitch Consultancy we are pleased to discuss any potential project with you even at the earliest stage. We will do so freely without cost or obligation but of course in the strictest confidence. Please Contact Us for more information.