From Vision to Reality. Creating new company identity in The Falkland Islands.
From Vision to Reality

It’s been my life’s work to lead business change and have been fortunate in working across most industries and in many countries.

There's no greater challenge than successfully integrating two businesses to create a new company. The most recent challenge was in one of the most remote places on earth joining two helicopter companies with completely different cultures!

Falkland Islands

Welcome to The Falkland Islands situated in the southern Atlantic Ocean, close to the tip of South America.

The Falkland Islands lie 55 degrees south, 300 miles off the tip of South America.

My client operates a Search and Rescue service across the islands (12.2.sq km) for UK government, which is vital for sustaining operations in this remote area. It recently acquired a smaller company to enhance capability and growth.

The work is absorbing and interesting from the outset.

Aside from the project, the island's main attractions are its natural beauty and bountiful wildlife, in particular the two million fur seals that lay claim to the islands each summer. It's also where you'll find half the world's population of southern elephant seals, who come to breed each year. Millions of penguins also inhabit the island, along with approximately 250,000 albatross and numerous reindeer.

The flight to The Falklands crosses The Atlantic from north to south, fuelling at Ascension Island, a tropical volcanic outpost used as a signalling station by UK and US.

4,000 miles after RAF Brize Norton is tropical Ascension Island, where the ‘7 Degrees South’ bar kept us well provisioned.

In a further 4,000 miles you reach The Falklands which has a generally cool and windy climate and a moorland landscape.

Helicopter rotor blades spin over the moorland landscape of the Falkland Islands.

Readers who have been following the many Labovitch Consultancy projects  (Insight | The Labovitch Consultancy | London) will be familiar with the techniques learned and advice given. The unique approach is summarised by the 8 Pillars of Change model, which gives headline guidance on planning and delivering Mergers and Acquisitions. Its special in that the creative as well as rational aspects of change are covered. These include culture and creating new identity and storyboard, motivating all stakeholders connected with the business.


From rational to creative. Creative pillars circled red.  Please see What Is Rational And Creative Change?  The Labovitch Consultancy

Pillar 7. Assess and develop culture.

To avoid conflict, our client was very keen to align the cultures of both organisations. We did this through surveying both constituent companies using the Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI).  OCI looks at ‘Constructive’ vs ‘Defensive’ behaviours illustrated in the following diagram.



Organisational Culture Inventory – ideal company culture is constructive

The example shows an ideal ‘constructive’ culture with high scores on achievement, self actualising, humanistic encouraging and affiliative. Less desirable passive / defensive styles (approval seeking, conventional, dependent, avoidance) score low, as do aggressive / defensive styles (oppositional, power, competitive and perfectionist).

Comparing surveys across the parent and acquired company gives invaluable comparisons of culture. If its found that some groups have a pronounced defensive culture, it’s a strong sign that self-actualisation and people focus are not strongly developed. The desire is to develop a constructive environment where the organisation would be client focussed and enabled to grow.

The 8 Pillars of Change introduces advanced leadership and management process and importantly an awareness and vocabulary for development. Also, through interaction across the whole business the Change Manager is able to gain wider exposure across the technical business.

Touring the Falklands by helicopter, gives the consultant ‘hands on’ experience of the business.

Cockpit of versatile S-92 helicopter, cleared for take off.

Penguins nesting on a nearby coastal strip.

Baby Elephant Seal nonchalantly looks on

Stanley, capital of Falkland Islands. Could be Edwardian England!

From Vision to Reality

The vision is to implement all 8 Pillars and engage by creating new identity for the merged organisation, often in the form of supporting communications, storyboards, messages  and impactful visuals.

I’m pleased to say through the client’s own vision we were able to achieve common and constructive culture and a motivated organisation delivering world class Search and Rescue and Helicopter Services in the Falkland Islands.

A success story and example to industry for delivering well rounded mergers and acquisitions.

From rational to creative.

About the Author

Using all these insights we help deliver successful change and M&As for SMEs and larger organisations - public and private sector, both listed / unlisted and for private equity.

Leon Labovitch is CEO of The Labovitch Consultancy



Strength for Change, Success for Transformation.

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